The War Profiteers, is a new, hard hitting, feature length documentary exposing the culture of corporate greed that has permeated reconstruction efforts in Iraq.
Multi-Award winning director Robert Greenwald (“Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price”, “Outfoxed”, “Unprecedented, Uncovered and Unconstitutional”, etc… ) shows how political as well as economic choices have profoundly affected the lives of ordinary people on both sides of the war.
IRAQ FOR SALE – The War Profiteers, uncovers the
connections between private contractors making huge profits in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so. In essence it details “Who’s getting killed – and – Who’s making a killing!”
Iraq For Sale
Production Status
Available for Immediate Delivery
Robert Greenwald
Produced and financed from donations by over 3,000 ordinary American citizens.
In addition to his documentary work, Greenwald has produced and/or directed more than 53 television movies and miniseries for every major US network and cable company.
Greenwald’s films have garnered an impressive 25 Emmy nominations, four cable ACE Award nominations, two Golden Globe nominations, the Peabody Award and eight Awards of
Excellence from the Film Advisory Board. He was awarded the 2002 Producer of the Year Award by the American Film Institute.
"...compiles a horrifying catalog of greed, corruption and incompetence among private contractors in Iraq" - The New York Times
US Distribution
Brave New Films