Bobby (Peter Facinelli), a NYC pickpocket who roams the city disguised as a stockbroker, tempts fate with the long arm of the law by lifting the badge of a New York City Detective (Michael Madsen) much to the annoyance of his viciously manipulative fence (Vincent Gallo). While playing this dangerous game of cat and mouse, Bobby runs into an even bigger challenge… a recent one-night stand named Lucy (Jaimie Alexander). Three months after their passionate affair Bobby must face reality when Lucy informs him she is pregnant. Suddenly two different worlds collide, forcing Bobby to reevaluate a lifetime of missteps. In a city where he once got by being invisible, Bobby is now very much exposed and hunted by the police.
Pick Pocket (aka Loosies)
Production Status
Available for Immediate Delivery
Romantic Thriller
The Trailer:
- Peter Facinelli (Twilight, Eclipse, The Scorpion King)
- Jaimie Alexander (Thor, Rest Stop, Hallowed Ground)
- Vincent Gallo (Buffalo 66', The Brown Bunny, Tetro)
- Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill Vol 1/2)
- Joe Pantoliano (Memento, The Matrix, The Fugitive)
Michael Corrente (Outside Providence, American Buffalo)
Chad A. Verdi – Verdi Productions (Inkubus), Peter Facinelli, Noah Kraft, Glenn Ciano
US Distribution
IFC Films